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Our Story

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Years Of Experience

“PPM College – Centre for Management, Growth & Organizational Learning.”

Who We Are

Project & Programme Management (PPM) College was established in 2008 and is registered with Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA) as a Private Training Institution under Act No 24 of 2013, registration certificate No. T10270. Our primary goal is to add value to the new economy paradigm of a “knowledge intensive society” through the creation and dissemination of knowledge and the creation of a culture of “life-long learning” within its external operating environment.

A range of subjects from our programmes allow integration of knowledge & skills such as corporate strategy, project management, and management as critical skill for development and improving business performances. These subjects provide the required competencies to be applied in various management and supervisory roles in both the public and private sectors. The human talent and organisational behaviour dimensions are comprehensively integrated in all our learning programmes.


To transform and change organizations to a learning and knowledge management culture.


Our learning programmes shall assist organizations in achieving improved performance through utilizing project and programme management approach.

Our Core Values

Our core values define the kind of institution we are now and the one we need to be in future. Central to our values is commitment to create ways to assist organizations thrive in a changing world through: